My Name is Dylan McDermott, I am 16 years old and I want to become a photographer when I am older. I promote for a company called Entity Events, witch organizes All Ages events in clubs in the Tri-City Area. Since I want to become a photographer, I would like to be able to create art that is seen from a different point of view, so that I can look at objects differently from others to capture great photographs.
Josh Sommers - I thought that Josh Sommers is a very creative person who is able to create amazing artwork. His imagination is really wild, and I think that is what makes him such a spectacular artist.
Studio Rules - The required rules for this class are very reasonable, and I agree with them completely. I think that they set very good standards for the semester.
"No great artist ever sees things the way they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." - Oscar Wilde (author)
This quote makes me see that every artist has there own way of looking at things. If every artist looked at everything the same, they would all create the same kind of art.